Having the right office space to work in is all about understanding where your business is at the moment and where you want it to be in the future. BUSINESSLABS offers flexibility that undercuts the need for significant investment in office space. With our Tiered Pricing arrangement, you’re sure to find the perfect space for you, with plenty of room for growth as your business flourishes. We also offer great contractual flexibility, so that you’re not committed to any particular office space. This means your business can grow painlessly within the BUSINESSLABS Flexible Workspace.
Tier One
Front Window Offices
(per month, per meter sq)
Plus access to 190sq/m of common space, including Boardrooms and Meeting Rooms
*Agreements may be customized to each tenants’ requirements. Please contact us for a personalized quote.
Tier Two
Second Front Window Office
(per month, per meter sq)
Plus access to 190sq/m of common space, including Boardrooms and Meeting Rooms
*Agreements may be customized to each tenants’ requirements. Please contact us for a personalized quote.
Tier Three
Internal Offices (Front)
(per month, per meter sq)
Plus access to 190sq/m of common space, including Boardrooms and Meeting Rooms
*Agreements may be customized to each tenants’ requirements. Please contact us for a personalized quote.
Tier Four
Internal Offices (Back)
(per month, per meter sq)
Plus access to 190sq/m of common space, including Boardrooms and Meeting Rooms
*Agreements may be customized to each tenants’ requirements. Please contact us for a personalized quote.
Booking Credits
Booking Credits are allocated based on the amount of space within your plan. This is because the space you have allocated to you within BUSINESSLABS indicates two things:
- the amount of time your operation will need in meetings (be it recruitment, management, development, or otherwise), and;
- there is a ratio between our Serviced Office Space and our Meeting Space which is indicative of a ‘usage-entitlement’ for tenants, and so the more Serviced Office Space you’ve got, the more Meeting Space you’re entitled to.
Events and Networking Opportunities
There are various networking opportunities at BUSINESSLABS. Not only does the communal space make this a part of the daily work-day, but a number of events are held each month towards this end. These range from talks on innovative technologies to social activities. As a Tenant at BUSINESSLABS, you will be kept up-to-date on such events.